Friday, October 22, 2010

Generic Viagra is best male impotence pills

Generic Viagra may have been formulated to cure impotence in men while it was actually being tested for angina, but today it does more than that with all its off label uses. This Sildenafil Citrate medication has been famous for its uncanny ability of curing PAH (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension), Raynaud’s Phenomenon, altitude sickness, stamina enhancer, etc but the latest news that are currently doing rounds is the fact that it has helped a woman sustain her pregnancy and deliver the baby without too many complications, by controlling the high Blood Pressure levels in her. Each anti hypertensive drug that was tested in her proved to be futile
even in higher dosages; this is when the doctor handling her case recommended Generic Viagra to her.An woman, Poonkudi and S Sunderraj, fell pregnant after undergoing three miscarriages and not wanting to take any chances with this one, when went to see her doctor when she was three months pregnant, she was detected with narrowed renal artery which led to her blood pressure build up to alarming levels. This HBP was a threat to baby’s life, hence doctors prescribed her all the effective anti HP medications, but none seemed to work even in high doses which is when Generic Viagra was prescribed to her. Being an excellent PDE5 inhibitor it is said to be the best medication ever formulated by science to regulate and sustain a steady blood flow. This experiment paid off and her BP levels were well under control. The doctor who suggested this dosage informed that in 2005 he prescribed Generic Viagra to a kidney failure girl who was then put on this Sildenafil pill along with sodium nitroprusside (nitrates are supposed to react violently with Sildenafil) to control her blood pressure levels. It not only stabilised her blood pressure but today she is leading a perfectly healthy life with a transplanted kidney. Instances like these leave a person speechless and give new hope towards leading a healthy life.

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